09.09.03 @ 1:45 a.m. // in which i... well, you know. do stuff.

i won't dance around the issue. fact is, diary: i feel like crap, and every possible synonym thereof. ugh. i'm about to begin day five of the flu, and as i've just finished reading the news, the closest thing i can compare this level of so not fun to is a disneyland ride, except i don't get counseling when it's over.

nonetheless, there are simply things that must get done. the world doesn't stop turning just because i'm sick, after all! much less does barnes & noble hault business in anticipation of my wellness. there are books to browse, coffee to consume. yes, my contagion and i drove sixty miles roundtrip to barnes & noble for an iced caramel macchiato and eclectic browsing, and yes, it was a stupid idea on so many levels. it couldn't be helped, however. i grew far too restless to lay around one moment longer, and besides, i practiced safe browsing: not only did i bring tissues for cough catching purposes... not only did i bring hand sanitizer... i brought lysol spray. a small bottle, yes, but i don't think the meager size lessened the degree of ensuing social alienation. i come before you tonight as just that much weirder.

it was fun, flu notwithstanding.

i read excerpts from, in no particular order: ben-hur, a people's history of the united states (in which "all wars are fought against children," and, presumably, george w. bush drowns puppies on the weekends), a tale of two cities, the quotable lewis (which someday i will bring myself to purchase), two books on container gardening, dancing with cats (one amazon reviewer puts it so eloquently when they say, "what the (mmhm) did i just buy?" oh yes, that definitely needs to be a cover blurb), 101 secrets a cool mom knows, every baby name book they had (i actually didn't know that my name is aramaic; now, i do), some massively huge book on the u.s. presidency which i actually considered buying for a moment until i remembered that i'm a pauper, plus those other books i can no longer remember.

just because i thought you might've been wondering.

The current mood of ibreathe at www.imood.com

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