08.09.03 @ 12:52 a.m. // someday, abridged.

earlier this week, he asked me what three things i'd like to accomplish before i die.

i want to [travel]

see the northern lights from alaska. visit san francisco. spend christmas eve in new york city. watch a meteor shower from a mountain. see new england in the fall. be able to say i've been to all fifty states (twenty six and counting). cross the northern border at least once. watch the sun set into the ocean. photograph the coast of maine.

i want to [affect]

feed the truly hungry. be actively involved in at least one political campaign. give someone my coat. leave a $100 tip. tell people about my friend Jesus. spend christmas day in a soup kitchen. buy flowers for a stranger. pat the world on its wee head, tell it that it is very stupid, but that i wish it weren't in so much pain. then i suppose i will buy it a coke.

i want to [everything else]

be held while i cry. pay him back for everything he's done for me. laugh 'til i hurt with her at least one more time. be on the receiving end of a back rub. find a job i genuinely like. have someone ask if they can hold my hand. win two more photography ribbons (yes, two exactly). be baptized.

that was more than three, by the way.

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