08.08.03 @ 2:52 a.m. // three, two, one... suicide!

today is brother #3's birthday. very shortly, my parents will have three teenage sons and one teenage daughter living at home. countdown to parental suicide: t-minus one year. i've determined that their maximum number of teenagers at any given time is five, which they will attain in the not so distant future. don't you wish you were them?

today's observation, fresh off the assembly line: i'm going to be in my thirties before my littlest brother can vote. diary, let me lay this out for you... i'm going to be bumping up against that ever so frightening term, middle age, and he still won't be able to get into an 'r' movie by himself.

just thinking about it makes me feel geriatric. you can soon expect me to start calling you 'honey' and asking you to be a 'dear' and fetch my walker over 'yonder.'

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