04.01.02 @ 9:19 p.m. // this is the why

i have finally overcome my lethal case of writer's block and my small mind is absolutely teeming with brilliantly genius ideas which are sure to rid mankind of all its diseases, send technology hurdling forward in even more dramatic leaps and bounds, and inflate my wallet to the size of ten grinches, plus two.

i'm lying. the only thing that's going to inflate my wallet right now is if i throw it in the river. i don't really have writer's block, per se. life just sucks right now. as for mankind's diseases and technology, i'm not vaccinated and i own a compaq. that should clear things up for you.

this is the why: my cat of eleven years is dying. my dad is in houston for two weeks doing the cancer center thing. my grandpa is in the hospital and is not expected to live much longer. i haven't heard from a good friend since september because she's military now and she has better things to do than reply to my letters. i can find nary an establishment that's hiring. my easter sucked. i missed church. i babysat all day long. i didn't even get any candy. not one single piece of candy as far as the eye can see. my car is, quite simply, broken. my computer is broken. my spirit is breaking.

it just doesn't make for knee-slapping entries, you know? in any case, it's april now. one month closer to winter. it's barely spring and i'm already counting the days until summer ends. i'm thinking that maybe summer will do me some good, regardless of my dislike for it. as it is now, i could rent my legs out as nightlights. the color of my arms versus my legs are so different that they appear to belong to two different people. i'm sure you can imagine how confusing that might be, should i ever find myself dismembered and strewn about an abandoned field.

ps. it came to my attention that i employed the word 'suck' to describe two different unpleasant situations. i have now been inducted into the hall of teenage vapidity.

The current mood of ibreathe at www.imood.com

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