03.27.02 @ 11:50 p.m. // a life remarkable

i arose at nine o'clock this morning, for no particular reason, and after having fallen asleep a mere two hours beforehand. upon opening my eyes, i promptly decided that i wished to go to the zoo. so i went.

i walked fourteen miles. i took pictures like this one and this one. who cares about elephants and lemurs when there are waterfalls and foliage about? that's what i always say.

i came home and emailed a man in poland. i asked him what he wished. he hasn't responded yet. i ate dinner three hours late and i played a game of yahtzee with myself. i got three yahtzees in a row. i am astounding. i then took drugs, the sort which are smiled upon by the government, and here i sit, writing this entry about my remarkably interesting life. and you will say to yourself, oh, but that mine life were so. and then i will laugh at you pompously, because that is the way of the enlightened.

i'm going to bed now.

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