02.04.04 @ 11:45 p.m. // yogurt: it's what's for dinner.

my dad works in "commercial transport and refrigeration," which is to say, he works on the trucks that bring the food, and sometimes the flowers, to your stores. primarily, he keeps the perishables inside those trucks cold so that they aren't sporting a blue 'do when they arrive. the things you take for granted, eh?

periodically, a company will have goods that are too close to their expiration date to sell to anyone other than convenient stores, which are convenient for the industry in that they have no standards whatsoever. but sometimes you're going to have more food than you have convenient stores, and that's when they start handing stuff out. to us.

i can remember times he's come home with bushels upon bushels of limes, peaches, apples, sweet potatoes, bananas, oranges, lemons, watermelons, strawberries-- oh, the strawberries. strawberry season ensures two things: he will be on call 24/7, and we will be living on strawberries for weeks to come. he's also brought home roses... lots of roses. ice cream... lots of ice cream. chocolate milk, strawberry milk, milk milk, every imaginable milk concoction that nestle's has ever created, and this latest installment is four crates of yogurt. four. crates. of yogurt.

now, on my best day, i may eat two servings of yogurt. but i'll be honest with you, my best days don't come along very often. we have six days to eat 144 cups of strawberry kiwi yogurt. all of it fat free.


there are ten of us, and we've never been bested yet. i'd hate to lose this one.

The current mood of ibreathe at www.imood.com

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