11.06.03 @ 2:45 a.m. // faith is eating leftovers in the dark.

it was two in the morning, and i hadn't eaten dinner. looking to remedy this, i turned to the only vaguely foodlike substance in the refrigerator: a box of leftover chinese food. and when i say leftover, i'm talking way leftover. seeing no (okay, very few) signs of mutant blue hair, i decided to chance it. what? no sense being pessimistic about it. after all, i might not die.

so, it's been a half an hour, and nothing extremely terrible has occurred in my digestive tract, yet.

...is it normal for chinese restaurants to garnish their dishes with jalapenos? normal outside of texas, i mean. it's what i get for eating three day old chinese in the dark, i guess. i've eaten jalapenos before, but jalapenos are something you really need to know about in advance. you can't just spring these things on your tastebuds. you've got to brace yourself. it's like childbirth, or my mother's homemade cake. you can't dive into these experiences without mentally walking yourself through them first.

and, yes, eating leftovers was in fact the most interesting part of my day. i know you wish you were me.

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