07.31.03 @ 2:09 a.m. // on top of the world.

from the empire state building
july 23, 2003

i've grown up my whole life in a place where neighbors may not actually be able to see one another's properties, where "y'all" isn't necessarily plural and everyone can drive a tractor ten years before it's legal for them to drive a car. it's always been home, and for the most part i've always loved it. no sense in begrudging it, after all.

i love texas, because it's my home. it's where i live and it's where i feel at ease. it's like an old, worn t-shirt that's all soft and fuzzy and maybe almost transparent but you just can't bring yourself to throw away.

i heart new york, just like my obligatory shirt says, and i don't suppose there's any explaining why. it's definitely a far cry from home, but i believe it's my new most favorite place in the world. ever.

that is all.

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