04.10.03 @ 2:33 a.m. // e c l e c t i c i t y

i have burl ives right next to carly simon, dc talk ahead of debussy, beatles right under barenaked ladies right above beethoven aside billy joel. let's observe some other fine contrasts.

fats domino, faith hill. frank sinatra, fusebox. james taylor, jimmy eat world. the jackson five, bond. gordon lightfoot, smash mouth. pure prairie league, relient k. ray charles, mercyme. toby mac, tom jones. roy orbison, shubert. van halen, vivaldi. oh, here's a good one: willie nelson, zoegirl. how about patsy cline and steppenwolf? natalie merchant and lynyrd skynyrd? arlo guthrie and audio adrenaline. enya and paper lace. salvador and simon and garfunkel...

even if you don't know all the people i'm comparing, you just know the comparison has got to be bad-- really bad. the list goes on, getting progressively weirder-- a lot weirder.

also, your banner just made me laugh out loud, though i'm not sure i could explain why. also also, i don't know you, and nor have i read your diary, but i knew you wouldn't be a whole person until you had secured my approval of your banner ad. go in peace.

The current mood of ibreathe at www.imood.com

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