06.26.02 @ 6:39 p.m. // exploring my stalker side

i had a bobby-esque experience at the library this afternoon. i went upstairs to the computers, and as i was sitting down, noticed that the two young men behind me were playing a game on yahoo together. never one to pass up an opportunity to eavesdrop, i, too, logged into yahoo and proceeded to alternately engage them in conversation and irritate the living daylights out of them.

the one on the left's parents were separated. the one on the right didn't actually laugh out loud when he said he did. the one on the right typed faster, but had poorer sentence structure than the one on the left. their favorite colors were blue and orange. one was allergic to peanuts. the one on the left was better at hearts than the one on the right. the one on the left was also the first one to wax poetic about my mother and his apparent desire for my departure after i began critiquing his cards. just between you and i... i've never played a game of hearts in my life, and know absolutely nothing about it. i can pretend, though, and my pretended knowledge was obviously much more extensive than his.

i think the cherry on top was the fact that i rode the elevator down to the lobby with them afterwards, and they held the front door for me when we walked out of the library. we went our separate ways and they were never even aware that our paths had crossed.

The current mood of ibreathe at www.imood.com

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