01.10.02 @ 1:38 a.m. // what?

i'm 89% pure. according to them, capital t, 98% of the population is less pure than i. i am so boring.

i'm also a man, with 86% certainty. point of interest.

i think my driving instructor and i are experiencing a communication breakdown.

he said i lived under a rock because i didn't know anything about wrestling. i said i got less junk mail that way. he said "what?"

he said i should go to college. he asked me what i'd like to major in. i said basket weaving. he said "what?"

he asked me if i liked homeschooling. i said that, if nothing else, it was better than retinal detachment. he said "what?"

this evening he was ranting about the dangers of motorcycles, unprotected sex, and guns. guns are bad, you know. guns are mean. guns are, in a word, icky. i've heard a lot of arguments for gun control, and his was that since he's going to die sometime anyway, why would he need a gun to protect himself? i asked him why he was wearing a seatbelt. he said, "what?"

he did compliment my driving, however. he said i was the closest to perfect that he's ever had, and the most "unique." i've come to realize that 'unique,' while its intentions as a word were originally good, is seldom ever used to mean anything less than completely unbalanced.

in closing, i would like to say that i like croutons.

The current mood of ibreathe at www.imood.com

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